# Copyright 2017-2022 John Snow Labs
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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"""Contains helper classes for part-of-speech tagging."""
from sparknlp.internal import ExtendedJavaWrapper
[docs]class POS(ExtendedJavaWrapper):
"""Helper class for creating DataFrames for training a part-of-speech
The dataset needs to consist of sentences on each line, where each word is
delimited with its respective tag.
**Input File Format**::
A|DT few|JJ months|NNS ago|RB you|PRP received|VBD a|DT letter|NN
The sentence can then be parsed with :meth:`.readDataset` into a column with
annotations of type ``POS``.
Can be used to train a :class:`PerceptronApproach
In this example, the file ``test-training.txt`` has the content of the
sentence above.
>>> from sparknlp.training import POS
>>> pos = POS()
>>> path = "src/test/resources/anc-pos-corpus-small/test-training.txt"
>>> posDf = pos.readDataset(spark, path, "|", "tags")
>>> posDf.selectExpr("explode(tags) as tags").show(truncate=False)
|tags |
|[pos, 0, 5, NNP, [word -> Pierre], []] |
|[pos, 7, 12, NNP, [word -> Vinken], []] |
|[pos, 14, 14, ,, [word -> ,], []] |
|[pos, 16, 17, CD, [word -> 61], []] |
|[pos, 19, 23, NNS, [word -> years], []] |
|[pos, 25, 27, JJ, [word -> old], []] |
|[pos, 29, 29, ,, [word -> ,], []] |
|[pos, 31, 34, MD, [word -> will], []] |
|[pos, 36, 39, VB, [word -> join], []] |
|[pos, 41, 43, DT, [word -> the], []] |
|[pos, 45, 49, NN, [word -> board], []] |
|[pos, 51, 52, IN, [word -> as], []] |
|[pos, 47, 47, DT, [word -> a], []] |
|[pos, 56, 67, JJ, [word -> nonexecutive], []]|
|[pos, 69, 76, NN, [word -> director], []] |
|[pos, 78, 81, NNP, [word -> Nov.], []] |
|[pos, 83, 84, CD, [word -> 29], []] |
|[pos, 81, 81, ., [word -> .], []] |
def __init__(self):
super(POS, self).__init__("com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.training.POS")
[docs] def readDataset(self, spark, path, delimiter="|", outputPosCol="tags", outputDocumentCol="document",
# ToDo Replace with std pyspark
"""Reads the dataset from an external resource.
spark : :class:`pyspark.sql.SparkSession`
Initiated Spark Session with Spark NLP
path : str
Path to the resource
delimiter : str, optional
Delimiter of word and POS, by default "|"
outputPosCol : str, optional
Name of the output POS column, by default "tags"
outputDocumentCol : str, optional
Name of the output document column, by default "document"
outputTextCol : str, optional
Name of the output text column, by default "text"
Spark Dataframe with the data
jSession = spark._jsparkSession
jdf = self._java_obj.readDataset(jSession, path, delimiter, outputPosCol, outputDocumentCol, outputTextCol)
dataframe = self.getDataFrame(spark, jdf)
return dataframe