Automatically identify Joy, Surprise, Fear, Sadness in Tweets using out pretrained Spark NLP DL classifier.
Predicted Entities
, sadness
, fear
, joy
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How to use
document_assembler = DocumentAssembler()\
use = UniversalSentenceEncoder.pretrained('tfhub_use', "en") \
classifier = ClassifierDLModel.pretrained('classifierdl_use_emotion', 'en') \
.setInputCols(["document", "sentence_embeddings"]) \
nlpPipeline = Pipeline(stages=[document_assembler,
data = spark.createDataFrame([["@Mira I just saw you on live t.v!!"],
["Just home from group celebration - dinner at Trattoria Gianni, then Hershey Felder's performance - AMAZING!!"],
["Nooooo! My dad turned off the internet so I can't listen to band music!"],
["My soul has just been pierced by the most evil look from @rickosborneorg. A mini panic attack and chill in bones followed soon after."]]).toDF("text")
result =
val documentAssembler = new DocumentAssembler()
val use = UniversalSentenceEncoder.pretrained('tfhub_use', "en")
val classifier = ClassifierDLModel.pretrained("classifierdl_use_emotion", "en")
.setInputCols(Array("document", "sentence_embeddings"))
val pipeline = new Pipeline().setStages(Array(documentAssembler,
val data = Seq(Array("@Mira I just saw you on live t.v!!",
"Just home from group celebration - dinner at Trattoria Gianni, then Hershey Felder's performance - AMAZING!!",
"Nooooo! My dad turned off the internet so I can't listen to band music!",
"My soul has just been pierced by the most evil look from @rickosborneorg. A mini panic attack and chill in bones followed soon after.")).toDS.toDF("text")
val result =
import nlu
text = ["""@Mira I just saw you on live t.v!!"""]
emotion_df = nlu.load('en.classify.emotion.use').predict(text, output_level='document')
emotion_df[["document", "emotion"]]
|document |sentiment|
|@Mira I just saw you on live t.v!! |surprise |
|Just home from group celebration - dinner at Trattoria Gianni, then Hershey Felder's performance - AMAZING!! |joy |
|Nooooo! My dad turned off the internet so I can't listen to band music! |sadness |
|My soul has just been pierced by the most evil look from @rickosborneorg. A mini panic attack and chill in bones followed soon after.|fear |
Model Information
Model Name | classifierdl_use_emotion |
Model Class | ClassifierDLModel |
Spark Compatibility | 2.5.3 |
Spark NLP Compatibility | 2.4 |
License | open source |
Edition | public |
Input Labels | [document, sentence_embeddings] |
Output Labels | [class] |
Language | en |
Upstream Dependencies | tfhub_use |
Data Source
This model is trained on multiple datasets inlcuding youtube comments, twitter and ISEAR dataset.
PREVIOUSCyberbullying Classifier