Zero-Shot Named Entity Recognition (Generic sample)


This model is trained with Zero-Shot Named Entity Recognition (NER) approach and it can detect any kind of defined entities with no training dataset, just pretrained RoBERTa embeddings (included in the model).

Predicted Entities

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How to use

documentAssembler = DocumentAssembler() \
    .setInputCol("text") \

sentenceDetector = SentenceDetector() \
    .setInputCols(["document"]) \

tokenizer = Tokenizer() \
    .setInputCols(["sentence"]) \
zero_shot_ner = ZeroShotNerModel.pretrained("zero_shot_ner_roberta", "en")\
    .setInputCols(["sentence", "token"])\
            "NAME": ["What is his name?", "What is my name?", "What is her name?"],
            "CITY": ["Which city?", "Which is the city?"]

ner_converter = NerConverter()\
    .setInputCols(["sentence", "token", "zero_shot_ner"])\

pipeline = Pipeline(stages = [

data = spark.createDataFrame(["Hellen works in London, Paris and Berlin. My name is Clara, I live in New York and Hellen lives in Paris.",
                              "John is a man who works in London, London and London."], StringType()).toDF("text")

result =
val documentAssembler = new DocumentAssembler()

val sentenceDetector = new SentenceDetector() 

val tokenizer = new Tokenizer() 
val zero_shot_ner = ZeroShotNerModel.pretrained("zero_shot_ner_roberta", "en")
    .setInputCols(Array("sentence", "token"))
            "NAME"-> Array("What is his name?", "What is my name?", "What is her name?"),
            "CITY"-> Array("Which city?", "Which is the city?")

val ner_converter = new NerConverter()
    .setInputCols(Array("sentence", "token", "zero_shot_ner"))

val pipeline = new Pipeline().setStages(Array(

val data = Seq("Hellen works in London, Paris and Berlin. My name is Clara, I live in New York and Hellen lives in Paris.",
      "John is a man who works in London, London and London.").toDS.toDF("text")

val result =
import nlu
nlu.load("en.zero_shot.ner_roberta").predict("""text|||"document|||"document|||"sentence|||"sentence|||"token|||"zero_shot_ner_roberta|||"en|||"clincial/models|||"sentence|||"token|||"zero_shot_ner|||"NAME|||"What is his name?|||"What is my name?|||"What is her name?|||"CITY|||"Which city?|||"Which is the city?|||"sentence|||"token|||"zero_shot_ner|||"ner_chunk|||"Hellen works in London, Paris and Berlin. My name is Clara, I live in New York and Hellen lives in Paris.|||"John is a man who works in London, London and London.|||"text""")


| token|ner_label|sentence|begin|end|confidence|
|Hellen|   B-NAME|       0|    0|  5|0.13306311|
| works|        O|       0|    7| 11|      null|
|    in|        O|       0|   13| 14|      null|
|London|   B-CITY|       0|   16| 21| 0.4064213|
|     ,|        O|       0|   22| 22|      null|
| Paris|   B-CITY|       0|   24| 28|0.04597357|
|   and|        O|       0|   30| 32|      null|
|Berlin|   B-CITY|       0|   34| 39|0.16265489|
|     .|        O|       0|   40| 40|      null|
|    My|        O|       1|   42| 43|      null|
|  name|        O|       1|   45| 48|      null|
|    is|        O|       1|   50| 51|      null|
| Clara|   B-NAME|       1|   53| 57| 0.9274031|
|     ,|        O|       1|   58| 58|      null|
|     I|        O|       1|   60| 60|      null|
|  live|        O|       1|   62| 65|      null|
|    in|        O|       1|   67| 68|      null|
|   New|   B-CITY|       1|   70| 72|0.82799006|
|  York|   I-CITY|       1|   74| 77|0.82799006|
|   and|        O|       1|   79| 81|      null|
|Hellen|   B-NAME|       1|   83| 88|0.40429682|
| lives|        O|       1|   90| 94|      null|
|    in|        O|       1|   96| 97|      null|
| Paris|   B-CITY|       1|   99|103|0.49216735|
|     .|        O|       1|  104|104|      null|
|  John|   B-NAME|       0|    0|  3|0.14063153|
|    is|        O|       0|    5|  6|      null|
|     a|        O|       0|    8|  8|      null|
|   man|        O|       0|   10| 12|      null|
|   who|        O|       0|   14| 16|      null|
| works|        O|       0|   18| 22|      null|
|    in|        O|       0|   24| 25|      null|
|London|   B-CITY|       0|   27| 32|0.15521188|
|     ,|        O|       0|   33| 33|      null|
|London|   B-CITY|       0|   35| 40|0.12151082|
|   and|        O|       0|   42| 44|      null|
|London|   B-CITY|       0|   46| 51| 0.2650951|
|     .|        O|       0|   52| 52|      null|

Model Information

Model Name: zero_shot_ner_roberta
Compatibility: Spark NLP 4.3.0+
License: Open Source
Edition: Official
Input Labels: [document_question, document_context]
Output Labels: [answer]
Language: en
Size: 463.8 MB
Case sensitive: true
Max sentence length: 512