Sentiment Analysis for Thai (sentiment_jager_use)


Analyze sentiment in reviews by classifying them as positive and negative. When the sentiment probability is below a customizable threshold (default to 0.6) then resulting document will be labeled as neutral. This model is trained using the multilingual UniversalSentenceEncoder sentence embeddings, and uses DL approach to classify the sentiments.

Predicted Entities

positive, negative, neutral

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How to use

Use in the pipeline with the pretrained multi-language UniversalSentenceEncoder annotator tfhub_use_multi_lg.

document_assembler = DocumentAssembler() \
    .setInputCol("text") \

use = UniversalSentenceEncoder.pretrained("tfhub_use_multi_lg", "xx") \
sentimentdl = SentimentDLModel.pretrained("sentiment_jager_use", "th")\
pipeline = Pipeline(stages = [document_assembler, use, sentimentdl])

example = spark.createDataFrame([['เเพ้ตอนnctโผล่มาตลอดเลยค่ะเเอด5555555']], ["text"])
result =


|text                                 |result    |
|เเพ้ตอนnctโผล่มาตลอดเลยค่ะเเอด5555555  |[positive] |

Model Information

Model Name: sentiment_jager_use
Compatibility: Spark NLP 2.7.1+
License: Open Source
Edition: Official
Input Labels: [sentence_embeddings]
Output Labels: [sentiment]
Language: th

Data Source

The model was trained on the custom corpus from Jager V3.


| sentiment    | precision | recall | f1-score | support |
| negative     | 0.94      | 0.99   | 0.96     | 82      |
| positive     | 0.97      | 0.87   | 0.92     | 38      |
| accuracy     |           |        | 0.95     | 120     |
| macro avg    | 0.96      | 0.93   | 0.94     | 120     |
| weighted avg | 0.95      | 0.95   | 0.95     | 120     |