
package ws

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait ReadablePretrainedWordSegmenter extends ParamsAndFeaturesReadable[WordSegmenterModel] with HasPretrained[WordSegmenterModel]
  2. class WordSegmenterApproach extends AnnotatorApproach[WordSegmenterModel] with PerceptronTrainingUtils

    Trains a WordSegmenter which tokenizes non-english or non-whitespace separated texts.

    Trains a WordSegmenter which tokenizes non-english or non-whitespace separated texts.

    Many languages are not whitespace separated and their sentences are a concatenation of many symbols, like Korean, Japanese or Chinese. Without understanding the language, splitting the words into their corresponding tokens is impossible. The WordSegmenter is trained to understand these languages and split them into semantically correct parts.

    This annotator is based on the paper Chinese Word Segmentation as Character Tagging [1]. Word segmentation is treated as a tagging problem. Each character is be tagged as on of four different labels: LL (left boundary), RR (right boundary), MM (middle) and LR (word by itself). The label depends on the position of the word in the sentence. LL tagged words will combine with the word on the right. Likewise, RR tagged words combine with words on the left. MM tagged words are treated as the middle of the word and combine with either side. LR tagged words are words by themselves.

    Example (from [1], Example 3(a) (raw), 3(b) (tagged), 3(c) (translation)):

    • 上海 计划 到 本 世纪 末 实现 人均 国内 生产 总值 五千 美元
    • 上/LL 海/RR 计/LL 划/RR 到/LR 本/LR 世/LL 纪/RR 末/LR 实/LL 现/RR 人/LL 均/RR 国/LL 内/RR 生/LL 产/RR 总/LL 值/RR 五/LL 千/RR 美/LL 元/RR
    • Shanghai plans to reach the goal of 5,000 dollars in per capita GDP by the end of the century.

    For instantiated/pretrained models, see WordSegmenterModel.

    To train your own model, a training dataset consisting of Part-Of-Speech tags is required. The data has to be loaded into a dataframe, where the column is an Annotation of type "POS". This can be set with setPosColumn.

    Tip: The helper class POS might be useful to read training data into data frames. nl For extended examples of usage, see the Examples and the WordSegmenterTest.


    • [1] Xue, Nianwen. “Chinese Word Segmentation as Character Tagging.” International Journal of Computational Linguistics & Chinese Language Processing, Volume 8, Number 1, February 2003: Special Issue on Word Formation and Chinese Language Processing, 2003, pp. 29-48. ACLWeb,


    In this example, "chinese_train.utf8" is in the form of

    十|LL 四|RR 不|LL 是|RR 四|LL 十|RR

    and is loaded with the POS class to create a dataframe of "POS" type Annotations.

    import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.base.DocumentAssembler
    val documentAssembler = new DocumentAssembler()
    val wordSegmenter = new WordSegmenterApproach()
    val pipeline = new Pipeline().setStages(Array(
    val trainingDataSet = POS().readDataset(
    val pipelineModel =
  3. class WordSegmenterModel extends AnnotatorModel[WordSegmenterModel] with HasSimpleAnnotate[WordSegmenterModel] with PerceptronPredictionUtils

    WordSegmenter which tokenizes non-english or non-whitespace separated texts.

    WordSegmenter which tokenizes non-english or non-whitespace separated texts.

    Many languages are not whitespace separated and their sentences are a concatenation of many symbols, like Korean, Japanese or Chinese. Without understanding the language, splitting the words into their corresponding tokens is impossible. The WordSegmenter is trained to understand these languages and plit them into semantically correct parts.

    This annotator is based on the paper Chinese Word Segmentation as Character Tagging. Word segmentation is treated as a tagging problem. Each character is be tagged as on of four different labels: LL (left boundary), RR (right boundary), MM (middle) and LR (word by itself). The label depends on the position of the word in the sentence. LL tagged words will combine with the word on the right. Likewise, RR tagged words combine with words on the left. MM tagged words are treated as the middle of the word and combine with either side. LR tagged words are words by themselves.

    Example (from [1], Example 3(a) (raw), 3(b) (tagged), 3(c) (translation)):

    • 上海 计划 到 本 世纪 末 实现 人均 国内 生产 总值 五千 美元
    • 上/LL 海/RR 计/LL 划/RR 到/LR 本/LR 世/LL 纪/RR 末/LR 实/LL 现/RR 人/LL 均/RR 国/LL 内/RR 生/LL 产/RR 总/LL 值/RR 五/LL 千/RR 美/LL 元/RR
    • Shanghai plans to reach the goal of 5,000 dollars in per capita GDP by the end of the century.

    This is the instantiated model of the WordSegmenterApproach. For training your own model, please see the documentation of that class.

    Pretrained models can be loaded with pretrained of the companion object:

    val wordSegmenter = WordSegmenterModel.pretrained()

    The default model is "wordseg_pku", default language is "zh", if no values are provided. For available pretrained models please see the Models Hub.

    For extended examples of usage, see the Examples and the WordSegmenterTest.


    • [1] Xue, Nianwen. “Chinese Word Segmentation as Character Tagging.” International Journal of Computational Linguistics & Chinese Language Processing, Volume 8, Number 1, February 2003: Special Issue on Word Formation and Chinese Language Processing, 2003, pp. 29-48. ACLWeb,


    import spark.implicits._
    import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.base.DocumentAssembler
    import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.annotator.WordSegmenterModel
    val documentAssembler = new DocumentAssembler()
    val wordSegmenter = WordSegmenterModel.pretrained()
    val pipeline = new Pipeline().setStages(Array(
    val data = Seq("然而,這樣的處理也衍生了一些問題。").toDF("text")
    val result ="token.result").show(false)
    |result                                                  |
    |[然而, ,, 這樣, 的, 處理, 也, 衍生, 了, 一些, 問題, 。    ]|

Value Members

  1. object TagsType
  2. object WordSegmenterApproach extends DefaultParamsReadable[WordSegmenterApproach] with Serializable

    This is the companion object of WordSegmenterApproach.

    This is the companion object of WordSegmenterApproach. Please refer to that class for the documentation.

  3. object WordSegmenterModel extends ReadablePretrainedWordSegmenter with Serializable

    This is the companion object of WordSegmenterModel.

    This is the companion object of WordSegmenterModel. Please refer to that class for the documentation.
