
package param

Type Members

  1. class AnnotatorParam[A <: WritableAnnotatorComponent, B <: SerializedAnnotatorComponent[_ <: A]] extends Param[A]

    Structure to guideline a writable non-standard PARAM for any annotator Uses json4s jackson for serialization

    Structure to guideline a writable non-standard PARAM for any annotator Uses json4s jackson for serialization


    Any kind of Writable annotator component (usually a model approach)


    Any kind of serialized figure, of writable type

  2. trait EvaluationDLParams extends Params
  3. class ExternalResourceParam extends AnnotatorParam[ExternalResource, SerializedExternalResource]
  4. trait SerializedAnnotatorComponent[T <: WritableAnnotatorComponent] extends AnyRef
  5. trait WritableAnnotatorComponent extends Serializable
