
Contains classes for UAEEmbeddings.

Module Contents#



Sentence embeddings using Universal AnglE Embedding (UAE).

class UAEEmbeddings(classname='com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.embeddings.UAEEmbeddings', java_model=None)[source]#

Sentence embeddings using Universal AnglE Embedding (UAE).

UAE is a novel angle-optimized text embedding model, designed to improve semantic textual similarity tasks, which are crucial for Large Language Model (LLM) applications. By introducing angle optimization in a complex space, AnglE effectively mitigates saturation of the cosine similarity function.

Pretrained models can be loaded with pretrained() of the companion object:

>>> embeddings = UAEEmbeddings.pretrained() \
...     .setInputCols(["document"]) \
...     .setOutputCol("UAE_embeddings")

The default model is "uae_large_v1", if no name is provided.

For available pretrained models please see the Models Hub.

Input Annotation types

Output Annotation type




Size of every batch , by default 8


Number of embedding dimensions, by default 768


Whether to ignore case in tokens for embeddings matching, by default False


Max sentence length to process, by default 512


ConfigProto from tensorflow, serialized into byte array.


AnglE-optimized Text Embeddings UAE Github Repository

Paper abstract

High-quality text embedding is pivotal in improving semantic textual similarity (STS) tasks, which are crucial components in Large Language Model (LLM) applications. However, a common challenge existing text embedding models face is the problem of vanishing gradients, primarily due to their reliance on the cosine function in the optimization objective, which has saturation zones. To address this issue, this paper proposes a novel angle-optimized text embedding model called AnglE. The core idea of AnglE is to introduce angle optimization in a complex space. This novel approach effectively mitigates the adverse effects of the saturation zone in the cosine function, which can impede gradient and hinder optimization processes. To set up a comprehensive STS evaluation, we experimented on existing short-text STS datasets and a newly collected long-text STS dataset from GitHub Issues. Furthermore, we examine domain-specific STS scenarios with limited labeled data and explore how AnglE works with LLM-annotated data. Extensive experiments were conducted on various tasks including short-text STS, long-text STS, and domain-specific STS tasks. The results show that AnglE outperforms the state-of-the-art (SOTA) STS models that ignore the cosine saturation zone. These findings demonstrate the ability of AnglE to generate high-quality text embeddings and the usefulness of angle optimization in STS.


>>> import sparknlp
>>> from sparknlp.base import *
>>> from sparknlp.annotator import *
>>> from import Pipeline
>>> documentAssembler = DocumentAssembler() \
...     .setInputCol("text") \
...     .setOutputCol("document")
>>> embeddings = UAEEmbeddings.pretrained() \
...     .setInputCols(["document"]) \
...     .setOutputCol("embeddings")
>>> embeddingsFinisher = EmbeddingsFinisher() \
...     .setInputCols("embeddings") \
...     .setOutputCols("finished_embeddings") \
...     .setOutputAsVector(True)
>>> pipeline = Pipeline().setStages([
...     documentAssembler,
...     embeddings,
...     embeddingsFinisher
... ])
>>> data = spark.createDataFrame([["hello world", "hello moon"]]).toDF("text")
>>> result =
>>> result.selectExpr("explode(finished_embeddings) as result").show(5, 80)
|                                                                          result|
|[0.50387806, 0.5861606, 0.35129607, -0.76046336, -0.32446072, -0.117674336, 0...|
|[0.6660665, 0.961762, 0.24854276, -0.1018044, -0.6569202, 0.027635604, 0.1915...|

Pooling strategy to use for sentence embeddings.

Available pooling strategies for sentence embeddings are:
  • “cls”: leading [CLS] token

  • “cls_avg”: leading [CLS] token + mean of all other tokens

  • “last”: embeddings of the last token in the sequence

  • “avg”: mean of all tokens

  • “max”: max of all embedding features of the entire token sequence

  • “int”: An integer number, which represents the index of the token to use as the embedding


Pooling strategy to use for sentence embeddings

static loadSavedModel(folder, spark_session)[source]#

Loads a locally saved model.


Folder of the saved model


The current SparkSession


The restored model

static pretrained(name='uae_large_v1', lang='en', remote_loc=None)[source]#

Downloads and loads a pretrained model.

namestr, optional

Name of the pretrained model, by default “UAE_small”

langstr, optional

Language of the pretrained model, by default “en”

remote_locstr, optional

Optional remote address of the resource, by default None. Will use Spark NLPs repositories otherwise.


The restored model